Saturday, July 08, 2006

A Typical Trip to Wal-Mart

Our trips to Wal-Mart are so different than they used to be. I never could just get in and out of the store if I tried...but now...I don't even try. I think we were stopped about 15 times today while we were there - usually more. But have you seen the "semi" we push the babies around in?? I'd probably stop us too!! The most common thing I hear, "I've never seen triplets before". We actually like being able to share them with others. I think there are a lot of lonely people in this world and they seem overjoyed to spend even a few minutes with any baby...let alone three!! I admit that I do start to get tired by the end of our trip and just keep walking as people make comments. I try to muster up a smile and polite response...although it can be hard. By the time we get home...we're all ready for a nap. Seriously. It's that exhausting. But it's nice to be able to get out with the entire family. So far we've only taken them in public to Wal-Mart and the Coralridge Mall...oh and to Weed Park once. Not many other places you can take 5 kids that young :)

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