Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Thanks Mom!

How great to come home to a clean house and have all the laundry done. Mom came up today while I was at work and whipped our falling-apart-home back into shape. Then she helped feed the babies and gave them some much needed TLC.

Mom's been around a lot the past several months. I would never have been able to do it without her. She painted the nursery, living room and guest bedroom. She's helped clean and organize my house. She's done loads and loads of laundry. She's gotten up in the middle of the night to help with 2 am feedings. She's cooked meals. She's taken the girls home with her to give us a break. The list goes on. Even though she doesn't work...I don't know where she finds the time to do all that she does. She is the mother of 5 and finds time for all of us - well all of us that are within driving distance - sorry Linda :) My kids are very blessed to have such a great Grandma. I love you Mom!

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