Friday, July 07, 2006


It's 9 pm. Jamie and I are exhausted. He is sleeping in the big recliner with Lincoln. Gavin and Vaughn are sleeping in their bassinets in our bedroom and will be waking at any time to eat. Lucy and Grace are again tornadoing through the house. We're too tired to stop them. Lucy is wearing a princess tiara, Japanese Komono and pink polka dotted rain boots. She just walked in and gave me a hug and said "just getting my bible". I just finished running the second load of dishes for the day because we have no clean bottles. Next I'll walk through and pick up the empty boxes from the Pizza Ranch. Well...I guess after I change Grace's stinky diaper. She just walked in and is now hiding in the closet with Lucy. I need to cherish these crazy times. I get teared up just thinking of the day when all the kids are grown up and how I'll long for days like this.

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