Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Lucy went to the Lander's house to play with her best friend Max today. When I came back from dropping her off, there was little Isabella holding one of the boys feeding him a bottle. It was a sight. Isabella is so tiny, and Gavin (I think) was clearly too big for her...but she did it. She got him to drink his whole bottle. Isabella came with Mona. Mona has become part of our family. Over the past 2 months since the boys have been home, Mona has scheduled people to come help us feed babies (a task just a big as feeding the babies themselves!), taken the girls on play dates and to baseball games, helped feed the babies, done my laundry, and helped clean my house. I feel so grateful to Mona. Mona saw that our family had a huge need and stepped up to the plate. She didn't just see a need and offer suggestions on how to accomplish that need. She just quietly and humbly did it. I'm sure she's not told a single sole how much time and energy she dedicates to us on a weekly basis. She has such a servant's heart and I admire that about her so much. People always ask me how our family is doing. I always say "It is hard...but not as hard as I expected it to be". I know it's because of Mona.

I sit there and look at all God has blessed us with - our 5 babies, family, friends, good jobs, a home, Mona...and wonder "why us"?


Anonymous said...

That's awesome, and it's suppose to work that way but usually doesn't. We all need to learn from Mona! Thankful that she has stepped up, and organized all of this. It's been fun hanging out with the kids, and getting to know your family better-tks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mona for making all of us look like slackers :) (does Mona hire out?) Mona has such a great heart!

Eric and Pam said...

Mona Rocks!!!