Thursday, August 03, 2006

Team Garwood

Well it's Thursday already and I'm behind again on blogging.

Team Garwood (Steve, Donna and Kim) came over on Monday night to feed the boys while we took the girls to the park. When they got there, both girls were asleep - wore out from swimming at the Reed's earlier. So Jamie and I left all 5 kids and went out by ourselves. The first time we've been alone in 3+ weeks and how do we spend our time together? WALMART. Yep...we're so romantic. To be honest we were like Deer in Headlights. We weren't expecting to be alone and couldn't think of anything to do. It was REALLY HOT outside, and I had some things I needed to return and buy at Wal-mart. It was pretty fun to go into Wal-mart and be anonymous again.

When we got home an hour and a half later, Lucy and Grace were playing in the back yard with Kim & Steve. It was about 100 degrees outside and Kim was in jeans!! Crazy girl! Donna was inside with the three boys. As soon as the girls saw us and came in the house...they were psychotic. Kim even made a comment about how funny it is to see how differently they act around us. Apparently they behaved ok around them.

Thanks Team Garwood!! (Donna's official name for her crew) We really appreciated the break!!!


Anonymous said...

They were great, and I was so glad that the girls didn't mind us being there with them while you were gone. Still wish that it was more romantic than Wal-mart, but maybe we aren't giving them enough credit?! :) I want you to know that Steve had so much fun that night that he is looking forward to hangin' with the kids again this Wednesday. Thanks for having triplets so that we can come and play at your house!! :)

The Brookharts said...

You guys are the best! We love you guys! Thanks for all you do for us :)