Saturday, August 26, 2006


We've been waking all 3 boys up around 10 pm to feed them for about a week and a half. Before that they were all ready to go by 9:30 pm on their own. Last night Jamie decided that he wanted to see how long they'd sleep for. So he said he'd get up and feed all three in the middle of the night. Sounded good to me :) We fed them all around 6 and put them all to bed around 7. Gavin was the first one up around 4 am! Can you believe it? He came out of his swaddle and was cold. Jamie swaddled him and he went right back to sleep. Vaughn and Gavin were up and ready to eat at 5. So they slept for 10 hours without eating once! Yay!

After feeding boys at 10, Lucy and I went to Walmart to get a gift for Emma. She turned 4 today. After Walmart we stopped by Amy's house to meet little Harrison. I took her some chicken noodle soup that I made this morning. I was so proud of it. Except when I went to take it out of the van...all the broth spilled all over the front seat of our new van. Yeah, Jamie was happy about that. I gave her the soup anyway. Took Lucy to the Environmental Learning Center for a birthday party. I stayed for about a half hour because Lucy was having issues being there without me. After getting to pet turtles and frogs, with a promise of snakes to come...she was ok with me leaving. Jamie will pick her up and take her to church with him tonight...producing again this week. Last week he's doing it...he's taking a break for a while. Now I'm home with three cranky boys and one stinky girl. Off to change another poopy diaper.

I used up all the extra energy I had last night and am exhausted again today.

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