Thursday, August 03, 2006


Pricing the last of my 0-3 month baby clothes for a garage sale. As I pull out some of my favorite outfits I am so sad. I hold up certain outfits and I see Vaughn or Gavin or Lincoln...knowing I will never see them in that outfit again makes me cry. The yellow striped sleeper with the little ducky on it that Vaughn wore in the hospital - it reminds me of his little duck they gave him and took his picture with in NICU. I only let Vaughn wear that sleeper. Or the navy blue sleeper that made Gavin look like such a big boy. Why am I so is just clothing?


Anonymous said...

It is sad. They get so big so fast. Looking at all those outfits made me realize just how little they were and how big they are now.

I still have a poodle skirt Hilary wore to 50's day in Kindergarten - she's a junior in high school this year!!

The Brookharts said...

I remember Hil when she was in Kindergarten! She was such a cutie!