Thursday, August 24, 2006

Last night Jamie cleaned house and let me sleep in the big chair while holding Vaughn. I was so tired that when it was time to feed boys at 10pm, I was slurring my words and could hardly move. Yesterday was an exhausting, help-free day. After feeding all the boys by myself at 2, I was able to nap. Only after getting in a fight with Lucy over whether we'd watch Tom & Jerry or Days of Our Lives. She won. But then she fell asleep in the rocker after about 10 minutes. So I turned on Days. I fell asleep after about 10 minutes too. Jamie came home and I had nothing for usual. So he made BLT's. For us, a BLT means Bacon, Lettuce and Toast. I actually started boiling a chicken right when I got home from work that I deboned after supper. My plans were to cook a chicken for soup, a ham and make a couple of meatloafs for the freezer. Nothing else got done...just the chicken.

Boys weren't up until about 5 today. With all the sleep I've gotten, you'd think I would be bright eyed and ready to roll with the day. Nope. Exhausted again. Left work at noon today to go to Iowa City for a CT scan. Just a follow up visit from when I had my kidney stone in December. No kidney stones here :) Lucy went with and Susan watched the other Susan's 2 girls(ages 1 1/2 and 1 week) so I'm sure they were very busy. Was waiting to hear good news from Mindy...but only found out that they had to wait another day because UI was full of pregnant mommies-to-be. They'll go in tomorrow and she'll be induced then...hopefully.

Cheryl and Penny watched our 5 for about an hour and a half tonight while Jamie and I went to Applebees for dinner. Can't remember the last time we were there. We had a gift card to use. So it turned into a cheap date. Always a good thing. Was nice to sit and visit. We actually had fun.

Lucy randomly tells me she loves me a lot lately. Melts my heart. A couple of days ago she said I was her best friend. I hugged her and told her how sweet that was. Seeking more affirmation she said, "Yeah, all my friends are my best friends" and then looked to me for more praise. The girl cracks me up.

Ok...time to pump, feed boys and go to bed.

1 comment:

brenda mohr said...

I'm thankful that you got a good report from the doctor today and that you and Jamie had a nice date. And I hope you feel more energetic tomorrow.