Monday, October 16, 2006

Free to a Good Home

Or Not So Good Home
This is only about half of what I walked into today! Boston covered our bedroom and laundry room with what is apparently from someone's garbage can. I've already got new carpet ordered. Thank goodness I had JUST thoroughly cleaned my room and the laundry room Thursday. Seriously...God is watching over us because had this been last week, this mess would be all over clean clothes, dirty clothes, books, toys, etc, etc, etc. I hadn't cleaned those rooms in weeks - maybe months!
ps - for the full effect, click on the picture so you can see it larger. The picture does it no justice. I can't even begin to describe the smell. And...I have to strip my bed and the curtains to wash them.


Anonymous said...

OMG - what a mess! He must've been feeling so icky - poor guy. And poor you - I'd be sick just smelling it, much less cleaning it up!

We'll still & always be happy to give him a good home - seriously Karen!

Eric and Pam said...

That's disgusting. :)

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that it probably happened because Kim was not there to eat whatever that was before Boston could.