Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Mark Family Cradle

This cradle was given to my Great Great Grandma Hilda Baker when she was born in 1880. It has been passed down through the generations and everyone in the Mark family has slept in it...all five of my children, me, my brothers and sisters and their children, my dad and his brothers and sisters and their get the idea. The name of every person who has slept in it is wood burned on the bottom.


Anonymous said...

I sure hope you aren't planning on using that for the boys. Looks like one doesn't like it and the other might get his leg stuck in the spindles. Keep that an heirloom and just say they slept in it.

The Brookharts said...

Really? I thought they fit pretty good in there :)

They've all actually used it several times. I was just taking a picture before sending it off to my sister who just had a baby :)