Saturday, November 18, 2006

Too Much TV?

Lucy saw some tubs of sugar I bought for decorating cookies. She ran up to me and hugged me screaming "Thank you Mommy, Thank you Mommy! Thank you for buying all those." I thought she was very excited to get to decorate cookies. But then she started explaining to cousin McKenna that mommy bought her stuff that you can pull and shape and...I realized she was talking about "Floam". I asked her who has floam that she plays with..."It's on TV."

She just found a switch in our house that does absolutely nothing. She asked me...I told her it does nothing. She asked Jamie, he told her it does nothing. She then asked if it makes the neighbors garage door go up and down. (Another commercial.)

Way too much TV being watched here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered why our garage door kept opening?? Oh wait, we don't have a garage!! :)