Thursday, January 18, 2007

Trouble Sleeping

Having trouble sleeping. My mind is cluttered with very important issues like:

1. How ridiculus Donald Trumps son looks with a comb-over.

2. How amazing a reunion it would be after seeing your child for the first time after he was abducted 4 + years ago.

3. Why do I start my car with my remote start as I'm walking toward my car.

4. How can there be so many last names in the world. When people don't have kids or have just girls their name does not get carried down.

1 comment:

Ernie and Mindy said...

Wow. I have never pondered those things before. :)

I just read your comment on another blog, "It got to the point where I had to quit listening to the words coming out of peoples' mouths and just try to read their hearts." That is very good wisdom.