Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My Birthday

Haven't posted since last Wednesday. Life is crazy. People have been asking how my birthday was. Funny...I used to think it couldn't have any worse timing than being two days after Christmas...but since I had Lucy a week later...I'm convinced that NOW it can't be on a worse day of the year.

It started out GREAT! Jamie sent me flowers to work...my favorite - Gerber Daisies. He also sent balloons and had a birthday present at home waiting for me. I was surprised to get a second delivery of flowers to work...a huge bouquet of flowers accompanied with a couple of gifts from one of my dearest friends - I won't mention any names though Andrea. I NEVER get flowers for my birthday - so I about hit the floor when I got called to the Reception Desk twice. My best friend Jenny gave me an Isabel Bloom that I had been wanting for so long. Emma. I thought about naming one of my daughter's Emma just because I love that Bloom so much.

Had I known that Awanas was cancelled...we would have gone out for my birthday. At 5:40 Jamie tells me that he doesn't think they're having AWANAS because of Christmas break. So, instead - we stay home and have one of the most frustrating nights ever. All the kids were fussy. All of them. ALL of them. I was crabby. Jamie was doing the best he could dealing with 5 fussy kids and a crabby wife. I love him so much :)

My 35th birthday came and went. I really find much more joy honoring other people on their birthdays anyway. So...with that said....Lucy's birthday is tomorrow and I've done NOTHING for her. Nothing. :) Kinda funny, huh! She'll never remember it anyway.


Anonymous said...

I had no idea that it was your birthday!!! Those things are very important to know. Sorry that we couldn't help out with the kids that night-you should have called!! Love ya, donna

The Brookharts said...

For my birthday, I wanted nothing more than to spend it with my family. Unfortunately sometimes you dream of the perfect evening and it's more like chaotic craziness and you wonder what in the world you were thinking! Thanks :)