Saturday, February 03, 2007

New Blog

I have no idea how to hyperlink this. I've tried several times. Just type it in your address bar. Or...there is also a link at the right ----->


Les Jacobs said...

To hyperlink text:
1. In your browser, go to the site you want to link to.
2. Highlight the URL (www....) in the rectangular box at the top.
3. Hit ctrl-C (this will copy the link).
4. Go to your blog and highlight the word or text you want hyperlinked.
5. Click the hyperlink icon in your editing tools (usually found at the top of the box of your blog where you are entering text). This will open a window that will start with "http://...."
6. Paste (ctrl-V) the URL into this box.

Your text is now hyperlinked.
Happy blogging!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, that’s exactly what I was scanning for! You just spared me alot of searching around