Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Ali watched Lucy and Grace last night. They LOVED her. Lucy bawled when I took her home. When I got back home, we sat down and Lucy wrote her a note that said "Ali, please come over tomorrow. Please. Please. Pleeeeeeease! Please come play with me. Please come over Ali." Well...there were a lot of pleases in there. Finally a babysitter that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! And the girls do too.


Anonymous said...

Great! Where does that leave Team Garwood? You don't love us?! :( I will get over it! One day :)

The Brookharts said...

You're family :) That's different.

Anonymous said...

Ah,that's it! :) So glad the girls have someone that they like-I know that makes a difference.

Anonymous said...

I am alright...cause I know that when the boys write...the too will want to send me a letter begging that I come over and play...and for how many "pleases" they will boggle your mind.

Anonymous said...

Sorry...that anonymous was fat fingers hit the wrong button...