Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pressures of the Season

Feeling a little stressed these days. Feeling the pressure of Christmas. The shopping, the decorating, the baking, trying to make everyone feel as special as they really are to me and the pressure of keeping Christmas focused on Jesus.

Going away for Thanksgiving. Need to pack. Where do I begin?? Baby food, diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, breastpump supplies, sleeping gear, clothes, clothes and moe clothes. I should have started this last night but just couldn't bring myself to do it! And actually...the packing is not so bad. It's the unpacking that is hard. My house will be destroyed for days as I try to put everything back in order.

I can't believe it's Thanksgiving already. The days have flown by since the boys were born. So much to be thankful for.

1 comment:

brenda mohr said...

Have a great trip!