Thursday, July 13, 2006

My Best Friend Jenny

How do I describe Jenny. My best friend. My kindred spirit. She knows exactly how I feel without me saying a word. She loves my family as much as I do. She's the person I can share all my thoughts with...good or bad. She knows what has brought the most joy to my life, and the most pain. She knows my darkest secrets...and still loves me. She knows that I love green and red tootsie rolls and sour cherries. She never forgets my birthday. She not only listens to what I say, but to what I don't say. She makes me do things I don't feel like doing but am always glad I did. She tells me if I have a booger in my nose. She somehow knows when I need to talk and calls right at that time. We can go weeks without seeing each other but never skip a beat.

“The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.” ~Unknown~

Where we met: Working together at Metromail in Mt. Pleasant - every Friday we ordeded thin crust pepperoni and sausage pizza (with the pepperoni's on the bottom) from Pizza Hut; when we ordered chinese from across the street - she always got a cheeseburger; we loved the pizza in the vending machine -- reminded us of school lunch pizza!
Fun vacations we've taken together: St. Louis (zoo, Anheiser Busch tour, Union Station); Winter Park (remember when I climbed in the back of some guys truck when traffic was backed up on the highway so you could take a picture of me on his four wheeler?); Chicago (Taste of Chicago, Navy Pier); Her dad's cabin (HUGE spider on the rock in the stream); Camping at Geode
Fun(ny) Memory: Dragonboating at 7-Ponds :)
How she met her husband: Me :)
What we love to do together: Shop, take pictures, talk, eat
Her Family: Paul, Hilary (16), Tory (cat), Scooter (cat) and Bowser (Basset Hound)
Great Times: Old Threshers; Sweet Corn Festival
Thing I Love Most About Her: Her sense of humor...she's hilariuos!!


Cassie said...

i am sure jenny has a best friend in you as well. very sweet karen! sounds like you girls know how to have fun!!

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to make me cry? I love you Karen - with all that I am!