Saturday, July 08, 2006

I Forgot to Feed 2 Babies

After I got home from church...I couldn't understand why Gavin was crying like he was hungry. I normally have all 3 babies on a very regular schedule - 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 6 pm, 10 pm 2 am. Vaughn wasn't able to make it to his 6 am feeding so I fed him at 4 am. I tried to get him back on his regular schedule...but he wasn't going for it. So he's been eating every four hours 4 am, 8 am, 12 pm, 4 pm, 8 pm today. I fed him at 4 pm and planned on feeding the other two at church before the service. Somewhere in my brain the times got all mixed up. So at 7:30 pm I realized that L&G hadn't eaten since 2 pm today. Whoops.


Eric and Pam said...

That is super funny Karen.

..can't imagine trying to juggle three infant schedules!

jody said...

and they were still super good in the nursery. You can at least count your blessings that way. There are three of them but they are GOOD babies.

Cassie said...

i am impressed that this is the first time you have forgotten to feed 2! i would have to keep a notebook going with this frazzled brain! :)

The Brookharts said...

I've tried to keep a notebook. It's really too hard!