Wednesday, December 27, 2006

8 Month Pictures





Santa Claus came Saturday night. The girls got a Barbie Jeep. The boys...well...there were a couple bowls and spoons in their stockings. Figure they don't need much. Lucy was about to have a nervous breakdown on Saturday night. She was petrified that Santa Claus was going to eat all our food while we were sleeping. Not just the cookies and milk we left out for him...but all the cookies we made and were planning on taking to Nanas house. The girls were excited to get the jeep...but either they're still just too young...or it's because we don't put tons of presents under the tree and don't focus on Santa much - because they just didn't get it.
Family Dinner. I assume Lincoln will be scarred for life since he was sleeping and wasn't there.

Decorating cookies for Santa.

Girls in their Barbie Jeep.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

My Christmas Blessing

Last night the Ellmers came over to celebrate Christmas. The house was clean (at least the kitchen, living room and nursery), the presents were wrapped, and I had quit yelling at my children thanks to the incentive Lucy offered (a penny). They came, we ordered pizza (is that 3 or 4 times this week?), and hung out like we always do. It's so comforting being around them. Jenny just picks up where she left off with us. She loves my kids...and they love her. When I told Lucy that someone was coming over tonight and gave her the hint "It's someone that loves you very much"...she guessed right away, "Is it Jenny?". Jenny jumps right in and doesn't ask...she plays with the kids, changes diapers, gets milk, feeds bottles and does all the things a mother does. It is such a HUGE, HUGE help. And we pick up our conversations right where they left out without a guarded word. It's no surprise to get the best Christmas presents from her. She knows me so well.

We've never lived in the same town...but remain best friends. We know that God brought us together and we are blessed having each other.

Here's a picture of the candles she got me.

Lucy's Christmas Program

Tuesday the 19th was Lucy's Christmas Program. Thank goodness I remembered when I woke up Tuesday or she'd have gone in jeans and a sweater...and I wouldn't have been there. Mona and Grandma James came. During the middle, Gracie escaped and ran up screaming "Luuuuuuuccccccccyyyyyyyyyyy" and gave her a big hug. It was actually pretty cute. No good pictures of the program - I didn't have my good camera and the flash doesn't work well on the camera I did take.

These were the only pictures I got from the whole thing.
Lucy with her teachers.

Lucy and Mona

Grace and Grandma


Lunch Disaster

Took the girls to Diamond Daves a couple weeks ago when I had no girls. Lucy had to go to the bathroom so I walked her 20 steps there. When I came back. The table was empty. I didn't even look, but held my camera under the booth and took this picture of Grace.

Lunch was a disaster...I had expected it to go much better without the boys. I ordered both girls a meal. Grace ate a little. Lucy ate a little of Grace's - none of her own. Lucy chose the restaurant...but neither wanted to be there and neither would sit still for a minute.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas with the Ellmers

Ellmers were on their way. Boys were screaming. House still a mess. Me in my pjs. Lucy says she'll give me a penny if I quit yelling.

Happy Birthday to??? Us!

Last night Gracie wasn't feeling well. She just kept moaning and calling from us from her bed. So finally I brought her to bed with us. Well she was driving me crazy tossing and turning. She slept by Jamie for a little while. He got up and changed her diapers and clothes...hoping that would help. When he brought her back to bed she kept tossing and turning and singing happy birthday. She sang happy birthday to each person in our family...Mommy, Daddy, Lucy, Lincoln, Gavin, and Vaughn. Finally we just took her back to bed.

I can't think of one night where she spent the entire night in our bed. She HAS to be in a crib/pack n play to sleep.

We think she may be a bit obsessive compulsive. She will spread a blanket on the floor and have to have it completely spread out with no wrinkles. Once my mom's dog walked over her blanket and she got up and started yelling at the dog and then straightened the blanket back out. She does lots of weird things like that.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lucy Said Today....

"Mommy, I don't like our house. It's always messy."

life as we know it

This Week

Been a busy week.

Monday the Steve, Donna and Kim came over to watch the kids. Instead, we ordered pizza and all just hung out together. Great time!

Tuesday we had dinner with the Batchelors and Beckers. Beckers just had a baby boy. He's a cutie. Great chance for us to get to know some couples in our small group a little better. Ali watched the girls and Jackie, Jean and Brad watched the boys.

Wednesday was spent making Oreo truffles, breakfast casseroles, and getting ready for Christmas. Still no presents wrapped though. Although as I sit and look...I don't really have many to wrap. Good thing!

Yesterday I took all the kids to where I work after I picked them up from Debbie's. Peggy spoiled all of them with Christmas presents. Lots of toys and stuffed animals. Of course the girls loved the presents so much that they spent the rest of the evening fighting over them! Like most kids, both of them only wanted the toy that the other child had. Fun times.

Christmas Letters are done!

Well I stayed up until about midnight Tuesday and finished my Christmas letter!! Yay! I have envelopes ready to go and they'll be mailed today. Hopefully people will get them BEFORE Christmas this year!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Pictures


Spent Christmas at mom's this weekend. Can't believe Christmas is here already. Although I do feel some relief of pressure. Got to hook up this weekend with my brother Jason, his wife and two girls - they hadn't met the boys yet; brother Justin and his girlfriend; sister Susan, her hubby and two girls; sister Linda is California and couldn't come. Was great to see everyone again. Jason caught the flu bug that we all had. Will spend the rest of this week putting away stuff that we brought home from mom's - clothes, presents, etc. Off to work now.


Gavin has two teeth now too. Center bottom.


Lincoln has teeth! He's getting his two bottom ones in.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


I never tell my husband enough how proud I am of him. But I am. Tuesday night we were on our way to small group. We stopped at Fareway to pick up some food. As I was running in, I saw a friend who looked a little sick. She was ringing the Salvation Army bell with her daughter. She said several members of her family were sick...two of them were in the van in the parking lot (in plain view). I offered to take them with me but she didn't want to spread anything. I briefly thought...I should stay and ring the bell so she can go home. But, like most people...I didn't offer. I just kept on going. I had a babysitter. I selfishly wanted to go to small group and hang out with some big people. When I got back in the van I told Jamie what was going on and he went in and sent our friend and her sick family home while he stayed and rang the bell for her. Jamie is such an example to me of what it means to be Christ-like. He is always doing things like that. Things that most people think - Oh, that would be nice, but maybe some other time, I'm busy now. Many of us are willing to help in a way that is convenient for us. But he truly sacrifices for other people and helps them where they need it. I love him so much and feel very blessed that he's in my life.

Gracie or ??

While we were in the van yesterday Lucy said, "Mommy, something smells. It stinks in you smell it? It really, really stinks." I jokingly said, "Well it's not me." And she said with disgust, "It's either Gracie...or...a pig."

The Boys

The boys are all home and well. They all slept GREAT last night. Things are running so smoothly this morning that I'm even able to blog a little. Missed my little guys. Vaughn - Mr. Intense - definitely seemed the happiest to see me...his big smile and kicking feet were so welcoming. That's just his personality though.

Pee Pee in the Potty

That's what we chant when our kids use the potty while they are learning. That's what we were chanting Sunday night when Gracie used it on her own - with maybe some encouragement from Lucy. She was in the bathtub and Lucy started yelling that Gracie went potty. We thought she peed in the tub. She hasn't gone again since...but she's tried. We told Lucy that every time she helps Grace, when Gracie goes they'll both get pee pee candy. So Lucy has been very motivated to help her.

Monday, December 11, 2006

All Mommy Wants for Christmas is a Silent Night

Jamie's mom knows me well. She bought the boys these cute onesies! Darling!!

3 Days Down, 39 To Go

Jamie's sister Jenna took Lincoln Saturday and Sunday night. It really was a huge help. Although I can't believe how hard it's been without Jamie helping. Not only can he not lift more than 5 pounds for 6 weeks, he did just have surgery so I don't want him doing much of anything except sitting on his tush for a few days. He feels bad and is trying to help as much as he can.

So the truth...I'm such an unsympathetic person of other people. When he says...can you get me a glass of first thought is, "Why, is it more than 5 pounds." He always bends over backwards when I'm sick. But with him down, it's been so hard that he is given the leftovers of my energy...and unfortunately I don't have even to survive...let alone give leftovers. He needs me I need to put my selfishness aside and give him more than just the leftover energy I have.

Went to Circa 21 last night. Jenna had Lincoln, Kim had Gavin, Steve and Donna had Vaughn, Mona had both girls. It was completely stressful getting them all ready to go. was so worth it. I really didn't think it would be but I had so much of a better attitude the second I got in the car from dropping of the last child!! It was nice to have a six hours without any children. And it was so great picking them back up again and knowing how much I missed them.

Today, Jenna and Jamie's dad came to help Jamie take the boys to their eye appointment at the University. Afterwards, Jenna took Vaughn and they dropped off Lincoln and Gavin at Mom's house. So, I'm without babies until Wednesday. I've never gotten rid of all three for more than 24 hours it really feels weird. I almost wish I would have kept one. But today, Lucy, Grace and I went downtown and had lunch at a little cafe. Walked through the shops, went to the library and just had a nice time together.

Lucy is really into roll playing these days and Gracie follows her lead. Lucy loves to play teacher, grandma or grandpa, mommy, etc. And she loves to "read" books. She makes up fun little stories. We have the best times together.

Gracie loves to sing. Her favorite songs are ABC's and the Witch song that Lucy taught us from preschool. I've noticed that I can't seem to understand her very well at all. I don't remember not being able to understand Lucy. She really talks a lot. Long sentences and I have no idea what they mean. But she's a little lover. She loves to hug and cuddle. I just adore her.

I wish I could video tape an entire day of the girls. I love them so much and hate that I won't remember all the adorable things they do. Shoot, I can't even remember them long enough to blog them at night.

Tonight we went to the local nursing home with 3 other moms and 2 of their daughters. All the girls were staggered in their ages. It's so sweet how the little girls adore the big girls and the big girls adore the little ones. Everyone seemed to have a good time at the nursing home and it reminded me once again how I have to hang on tight when they are so little. These precious moments are going to be gone so quickly. The folks we visited were so excited to have people come by. It must be very lonely this time of year. to bed. Looking forward to a full night's sleep!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Jamie

When you wait until 7:30 pm, this is the only design you can get in a white cake at HyVee.

The girls were very excited to decorate daddy's cake.

This is Jamie with his 38th birthday cake. Even Boston helped decorate it. Yes, he carved out some on the right side of the cake.

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful man I've ever known. I'm so blessed to have you as my husband and the father of my children.

Friday, December 08, 2006


I picked up the kids yesterday. As we were driving home I told the girls I was hungry. Lucy said, "Do you want some ice?" I said, "Ice?" She said, "Yeah, from my shoe." And as I turned back I saw her picking and eating ice off of her shoe.

Jamie's Surgery

Jamie's surgery went fairly well. Another long day. At the hospital at 9:30 am. Home at 4:30 pm. He had some problems after the doctor was one told him exactly what happened but he stopped breathing and had some sort of esophagus spasm. They gave him some medication to get him breathing and some demorral to stop him from shaking so badly. He was so out of it he's not sure what happened and he never saw the doctor after the surgery so he wasn't able to ask. He is fine now and in bed.

Will spend his 38th birthday in bed tomorrow :( Happy birthday honey! Olive Juice.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Lincoln seems to be having the most pain from the surgery. Two nights in a row now I've had to sleep in the uncomfortable rocking chair in their room and rock him for part or all of the night. The first day after the surgery I thought this would be a piece of cake. But tomorrow will be a week since the surgery and almost every evening we have to listen to crying for several hours at a time. I hoo. Our boys are in pain and I'm whining about the crying. Our house is chaotic and I'm on the verge of insanity. Truly. We feed them bottles at 5. We feed the girls. We feed the boys solid food. We change diapers. We give baths. It's time to feed the boys a bottle again. We put children to bed. It's now 9 or 10 pm. I thought our days would just get easier and easier through the first year...but they are getting harder and harder. More and more demanding. I'm tired. I'm always tired.

Life As We Know It

We expected pictures to go bad...but we never expected it to go as badly as it did. Not one good picture of the 5 of them. Gavin, our always-happy-child, started everyone off with a full blown fit. When he wasn't crying, Grace was. She wanted her binki and couldn't understand that if she would just smile for one or two pics she'd get it back. They had no props for our boys to help them sit. So they're laying on the floor in almost all of them. At one point the gal had Jamie sit Indian Style of the floor and she threw a sheet over him. He was supposed to hold the three boys and the girls were going to sit next to them somehow. Yes, it looked as stupid as it sounds and even if it had looked ok, didn't come close to working. So at lunch we decided that maybe we'd just buy a picture with the most children crying to represent our life. When we went back to view the pics we only got to view the ones the photographer we didn't even get to see the "bad" ones. We ended up with a panoramic shot of 5 squirmy kids with the title "Life As We Know It".

I've Ruined My Daughter's Life

As we were leaving the mall today, the balloons we got from Flash were blowing in the wind. Lucy started freaking out because she was afraid we were going to lose them. I told her we were throwing them away anyway because we get one every time we come to the mall and we don't need it. She kept freaking out because they were I let them loose. She was crying - very dramatically - and screamed "You ruined my life! You ruined my life!"

Monday, December 04, 2006


Removed Lincoln and Gavin's bandages last night. One of the grossest things I've ever had to do. They looked gross, they smelled gross and I'm glad Jamie was there. I can't believe how well they took it. I think it may have been more painful for Jamie and me than for them.

The Polar Express

Took the girls to the "Polar Express" in Mt. Pleasant yesterday. It's a train ride to the "North Pole". Didn't come close to meeting my expectations and we won't do it again. But, it was an OK time for the girls.


December? Already? Seriously?

Every year I swear it is not going to be like last year. We are NOT going to be busy every single night of the week every single week of the month. So why is this December no different. Every year I swear I'm going to slow down. Enjoy the season. Enjoy the reason for the season. This year proves to be no different. I'm not sure whether I'm coming or going. Our schedule is jam packed until Christmas. Except for tonight...

Tonight is a free night. Our plans: to put up the tree, enjoy hot apple cider, glazed donuts and eggnog. Well...Jamie will enjoy eggnog. I think it's nasty. We'll sing Christmas carols, add Mary to our Nativity set and read the Christmas story out of the bible. We'll watch a Charlie Brown Christmas. If we don't do it any other night of the month...we will tonight. We will love on our family, talk about Jesus and enjoy the night together. I'm so excited. I'm even going to cook supper tonight!! Nothing fancy...but one of my favorites and simple...tacos. Looking forward to a peaceful evening.

ps...I know I'm setting myself up for failure. But this time it will be different.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Lincoln and Gavin

They seem to be doing good and are in very little pain. Continue to be on Tylenol with Codine, 2 other pain medicines and an antibiotic. Cut back to regular tylenol and ibuprofen tomorrow. Real troopers!

No Kidney Stone - Yay!! Diverticulitis - Boo!!

So after three hours at the doctors office, a CT scan and two blood draws...I've been diagnosed with Diverticulitis. Symptoms are very similar to the flu and is probably why I've been sick all week. The pain in my left side has been getting worse...but the percocet has been helping. I am on two antibiotics for 10 days. Hoping that will cure the problem. My best explanation of Diverticulitis is that they are pockets in your colon that get infected. The doctor said that I am pretty young to get it. If the antibiotics don't work I will need to be hospitalized and put on an IV, with the possibility of surgery to remove the part of my colon that is infected. However...most likely the antibiotics will work. My white blood cell count was good and I didn't have a fever...very good signs. I need to go back next week.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Rough Day...But All Went Well

Daddy getting ready to take Gavin into surgery.

Daddy getting ready to take Lincoln into surgery.

The day started by feeding Gavin at 4:30. Praise God that we didn't get the snow and ice that was in the forecast. Jamie and I went back to bed and slept for another hour. Then got up and headed to Iowa City. Fed Lincoln on the way. I was feeling EXTREMELY sick. Day 4 with the flu bug - AGAIN! This time no vomitting but diarrhea. I'm so dehydrated I only was able to pump 2 ounces! (Compared to the 12 ounces I've been pumping lately.) Got to the hospital and things went sooo smoothly. The nurses were ALL so nice I couldn't believe it! Jamie was able to go in with Gavin to be there until they put him to sleep. He said it was a bit disturbing. Gavin was fighting it but finally fell asleep and looked dead. I was having extreme stomach cramps. I was useless. Jamie took care of Lincoln while Gavin had his surgery. 2 hours later they came out and said the surgery was done and went well. I was going to go in with Lincoln - but couldn't because I felt like I was going to pass up every time I sat upright or tried to stand. And the stomach cramps were so bad. One of the nurses gave me some ibuprofen and Jamie and I grabbed some lunch while Gavin was in recovery. That really seemed to help. Jamie took care of Gavin while Lincoln was in surgery. 2 hours later his surgery was done and it went well too. They had to give him extra pain medication during surgery because his heart rate was spiking. He came out of anesthesia very irritable. He cried a lot and was just not happy at all the way Gavin was. It just hit him a bit harder I guess. I was finally feeling a little better and able to take care of Gavin. I was able to pinpoint my stomach pain to my left kidney...and think I may have a kidney stone. When I got home I downed some percocet and am feeling a lot better now...although I can still feel the discomfort every time I lift something, lean to the left or take a deep breath. It was a rough day. We left at 6 this morning and got home at 6:30 tonight. But so thankful that God was there holding us up. I am very sad that I was so useless and was in so much pain that I could give very little attention to my boys. They are very swollen. They have a catheter in that will be removed next week. They have been given four different drugs - three for pain relief, one to fight off any possible infections.

Grandma is watching Grace and Vaughn. Although she is sick too. They love her so much and I'm so thankful to have someone I love and trust so much to take care of my babies when I can't.

Nana stayed with Lucy today and took her to school. Lucy loved it. She said they were going to watch a movie, play with playdough and eat popcorn. Came home to a clean house which was so nice since I feel so cruddy.

Starting to feel lightheaded I'm going to bed.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Ali watched Lucy and Grace last night. They LOVED her. Lucy bawled when I took her home. When I got back home, we sat down and Lucy wrote her a note that said "Ali, please come over tomorrow. Please. Please. Pleeeeeeease! Please come play with me. Please come over Ali." Well...there were a lot of pleases in there. Finally a babysitter that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! And the girls do too.


Jamie has rescheduled his surgery for Friday, December 8th - the day before his birthday.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Lincoln and Gavin have their Hypospadias surgery on Thursday...provided they don't have so much as a runny nose.

Jamie has his umbilical hernia surgery on Tuesday December 5th. No lifting ANYTHING over 8 pounds for 6 weeks. Not sure how we're going to work that out yet since he's the one who takes the boys to day care everyday. But it will work out. Things always do.

Lucy's Order

Lucy wanted to stop at McDonald's on the way home Saturday evening. She wanted a hamburger with no celery, no pickles and hamburger and one bun. And some ketchup.

Gavin's First Tooth

Gavin got his first tooth yesterday. Finally...he's been working at it for some time now. It's his bottom middle-right tooth.

Mommy's Little Helper

Let Lucy feed Lincoln by herself for the first time last night. She fed him his entire bowl of food. She was so patient with him and did such a great job. In this picture she is excited because she let him feed himself.


I can't believe how fast the weekend has gone by. Went to Nana and Papa's on Wednesday evening. Jamie, Lucy, Grace and I usually takeover Nana and Papa's room (we've given up fighting them on it :)) the three boys in their three pack n' plays takeover the tv room (Shawna's old bedroom) - with Nana on the couch and Nana and Papa move to the small guest bedroom. Jamie and I made a deal...he sleeps in when we sleep at my mom's house and I sleep in when we sleep at his mom's house...although neither of us ever get to sleep in much later that 7am. Had his entire immediate family home on Thanksgiving. The kids got to see their cousins - McKenna (4) and Parker (almost 1). Had a wonderful lunch and Nana got her pictures of the 7 grandkids. Friday morning went to my mom's house for Thanksgiving. Lots of my favorite foods. Friday night mom watched the boys and Jaden while my sister and I and our hubbies took our three girls to the "Happy Feet". What a great movie. I may have loved it so much because Mumble reminded me of Vaughn. Vaughns bright blue eyes and fuzzy head...and his happy feet :)

Saturday night we went to the lighted parade.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pressures of the Season

Feeling a little stressed these days. Feeling the pressure of Christmas. The shopping, the decorating, the baking, trying to make everyone feel as special as they really are to me and the pressure of keeping Christmas focused on Jesus.

Going away for Thanksgiving. Need to pack. Where do I begin?? Baby food, diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, breastpump supplies, sleeping gear, clothes, clothes and moe clothes. I should have started this last night but just couldn't bring myself to do it! And actually...the packing is not so bad. It's the unpacking that is hard. My house will be destroyed for days as I try to put everything back in order.

I can't believe it's Thanksgiving already. The days have flown by since the boys were born. So much to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping continues to go well. Got a gift for my mom yesterday. Ordered the kids' pj's. Received the boys stockings last night. I had bought a Pottery Barn monogrammed "Lucy" stocking from ebay one year. Felt good that I got such a great deal. Well then I had to get the same style for Grace. Hmmm...none on ebay...not such a good deal anymore. This year...well...3 more not so cheap monogrammed Pottery Barn stockings. I'm finding 5 kids to be very expensive. I know - BIG SURPRISE! Lucy had a fancy dress her first Christmas. Aunt Susie bought it from Dillards. Her second Christmas she was a big sister and her and Grace got "fancy" dresses from Walmart. they weren't really expensive but they were cute. I realized with 2 kids I couldn't spoil them both with expensive dresses that they'll only wear a couple of times. This fancy dresses at all. Sorry girls. But you'll look ever so cute in your fancy pj's. So maybe they're not fancy...but you can wear them many, many nights. And they'll be cute in pictures.

As you can see below...there's very little these children need when it comes to play things.

Lucy and her presents 2003

Lucy and her & Gracie's presents 2004

7 Months





Eating lunch at Columns & Chocolate. Great day in Kalona. Great friends.

Thanks to Auntie Jenna and Uncle Terry who helped Jamie take care of my children so I could enjoy a mommy's day out. We love them both so much and appreciate all they do for us.

Into Herself

Lucy loves taking pictures. Especially of herself...mostly of her feet. Here's one that she took that she's extremely proud of.

Poor Rob

Someone pranked Rob while he was gone on Friday. Someone covered everything in his office with newspapers and Christmas wrap. I kinda like the look myself. He took it well and no one got fired. Possibly because there is no evidence of who the culprit is.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Yesteray I went to Kalona with my mom's group. We hit the country store, Stringtown Grocery, the Cheese Factory, Sisters, Willow Creek and a couple other little shops I can't remember the name of. All were super cute. We ate at Columns & Chocolate. Oh man was that good. Three of us had the lasagna. It was the best lasagna I've EVER had. It's definitely more of a ladies cafe. I can't imagine many men in there with all the dainty china and frilly decorations. Made me think of Jill. We really had a great time. So thankful for the friends I have.

More Christmas Presents

I just ordered Jamie's present today!! Yay!! Although he doesn't read my blog...Jon & Bethany do and Jon would tell I won't say what I got :)

I also got my dad's present bought yesterday and both of Lucy's teachers.

Friday I ordered gifts for each of the grandparents online.

I'm running out of ideas though.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Too Much TV?

Lucy saw some tubs of sugar I bought for decorating cookies. She ran up to me and hugged me screaming "Thank you Mommy, Thank you Mommy! Thank you for buying all those." I thought she was very excited to get to decorate cookies. But then she started explaining to cousin McKenna that mommy bought her stuff that you can pull and shape and...I realized she was talking about "Floam". I asked her who has floam that she plays with..."It's on TV."

She just found a switch in our house that does absolutely nothing. She asked me...I told her it does nothing. She asked Jamie, he told her it does nothing. She then asked if it makes the neighbors garage door go up and down. (Another commercial.)

Way too much TV being watched here.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Couple Pictures

At the movie "Flushed Away"

At church - don't they look cute!

Circa 21

Susan and I took mom to Circa 21 tonight for her birthday. Saw the show "Irving Berwin's White Christmas". We had a GREAT time! Spent 5-6 hours together driving, eating dinner, & watching the show. Learned a lot about my mom tonight. It was really cool.

Christmas Presents

Yay! I'm back on track! Got Mike's present bought tonight. A Morel Mushroom growing kit. (He doesn't read my blog so it's ok.) And got Jaden's Christmas present bought tonight. A Shining Star plate and journal. Susan and I really desire to start some traditions with our family...and this shining star plate is for that.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Jackie and Jean

They are just not right. They are teaching my children to crawl. Jamie and I came home tonight to find Lincoln and Gavin practically crawling. Thank goodness Vaughn is a good boy and just lays there still!!

Online Christmas Gift #2

A Wheely Bug - for Grace...although it's from Nana and Papa so it didn't help me get any of my shopping done :)

What Would I Do Without You?!

I feel like I keep saying it over and over and over. Thank you. Kim and Donna came over and helped Jamie feed and watch kids while I went to my mom's group last night. When I came home - all were peaceful and my kitchen was clean. Kim had brought with her a basket of laundry that she took home last week. Thanks guys! I woke up this morning forgetting that you had done the dishes...thinking I had to do them. When I got to a clean kitchen I just smiled. It felt so good!!!!!!! You are loved and appreciated.

Online Shopping

After a very unsuccessful Christmas shopping trip to the Quad Cities with 5 crabby kids on Sunday...I am now going to have to do most of my Christmas shopping online. My goal is to buy one or two gifts a day until Christmas. We'll see how that goes. Yesterday - a personalized kid's apron from Pottery Barn for my neice. Super cute. Free shipping. Free personalization. Can't beat it! Plus I've already got the cheerios cookbook from Barnes and Noble to go with it!! Throw in a couple kid-sized utensils and BAM! she's a chef. Thinking maybe I need to get Lucy the same thing for her birthday :)

Friday, November 10, 2006


This has been a whirlwind week. I don't even know what to write...but know that maybe if I get started something will just come out. 4 of 5 children are in bed. Yay! Woke up to a sick child again. We thought at first Lucy just wet the bed. She said, "no, my butt is just sweaty". Then the color combined with the smell confirmed the obvious...diarrhea had struck again. I stayed home from work - Debbie had the day off. After 4 poopy diapers, a sick daughter, pancakes, vacuuming crackers out of the chair & carpet and completely cleaning the bathroom I looked at the clock - it was only 9 am and I was wishing I was at work today. I know that the only way I could ever be a stay at home mom is after my kids are in school. Kind of defeats the purpose though I suppose. :)

Donna and Kim took 3 kids and laundry last night. I had a burst of energy and cleaned like crazy. What a great feeling to know that as I'm cleaning one room another room is NOT being destroyed.

The boys are so animated lately. Mom has used the greatest adjective yet to describe Vaughn - INTENSE. Happy or Upset - he seems to have just those two moods and whichever he is it's intense. Lincoln - still so serious. But so lovey. Loves attention. He is also a mover. Last night Jamie set him by the chair and he ended up side by side with Gavin. Gavin - almost always happy. Keep him fed with a clean diaper and you've got one content child. All three raised the same - all three so, so different.

Just put Gracie to bed about an hour ago. Unfortunately her green blankie from Jenny was just washed and still wet. She cried for 40 minutes until that blankie was dry. I don't think I had finished covering her up with it before she was asleep.

Lucy loves playing grandpa. Ok, seems weird. But my dad came for a vist and he likes to drink coffee. So she pulls out her play coffeepot EVERY NIGHT and pretends to be grandpa and I'm baby. She combs my hair (which I LOVE), drives me to the "parade" and then to a movie. Sometimes she reads me a book. Her favorite..."I Love You, Stinky Face". One of my favorites too...especially listening to her sweet little voice read it to me.

Jamie was sick all day yesterday - but got lucky enough to never throw up. He's feeling mostly better today. Thank goodness neither of us were at our worst at the same time. And thank goodness that he's such an involved dad that he just takes over when I can't do it. What would I do without him?

Ok...I'm tired. This is boring. I'm going to bed.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I Need to be a Cow

Lucy has asked me to come and be a stray cow. She wants to use the vacuum cleaner cord (again) and be a cowgirl. Moo.

Are We Having Company?

How come every time I clean Lucy asks me if we're having company?

She is wondering if, since the house is getting clean, Jenny can come and be our company?

OK - I never say we're having "company" - so don't know where she got that.

Recoving Puke-aholics

Yes...we're all recovering from it. Started Tuesday night around 8 pm with me and an upset stomach. Thought it was from supper. After my first go round at midnight - I thougt I was done...after all I had successfully emptied every last bit from my gut and bowels. At 3 am - it hit again. This time so badly that I had to follow up with a shower...only to have to get out of the shower for round 3. I was vomitting so hard that I have broken blood vessels around my eyes that look like little red & blue freckles. Very beautiful. Called into work sick on Wednesday. Lucy and Gavin had been spending the night at Grandma's house. Mom called and said Lucy started in around 4 that morning, Gavin around 7. Every time Lucy would take even the smallest sips of would come back up. Mom brought the kids home around noon and stayed to take care of us all. Thankfully both kids have been able to keep down Pedialyte. Jamie started feeling sick Tuesday night too, but it didn't hit him until last night. He's home right now trying to recover. WOW! How come when I write this it doesn't sound nearly as painful and disgusting as it really was. Plan for today: Sanitize the entire house top to bottom.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Sunday, November 05, 2006

We Now Know

Lucy told Jamie last night that "kids get to do whatever they want."

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Blue Eyed Beauty

Vaughn at Grandma's House

Splish Splash