We had a horrible weekend. Vaughn and Lincoln cried most of the day Saturday. Lucy and Grace fought most of the day. When Grace has something Lucy wants it, when Lucy has something Grace wants it. Grace has developed this shriek that drives me nuts. You just have to look at her funny and she gets mad and lets out this noise that sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard. It felt like we were yelling at them all day. You know how when you're having a good day...it's funny when they do certain things...and when you're having a bad day you just want to scream.
Today we ended up taking them to CoralRidge mall. We were exhausted from Saturday and today was starting out the same way. We all needed a change of pace. It actually worked. The girls got to burn off some energy. We got some peace. We tried to count how many people stopped us or made comments to us about the triplets. It was well over a hundred. Seriously.

We all ate lunch - including the boys. This is them using their "hands-free" Podee bottles.
I stopped at Flash Photography to set up an appointment for the kids in October. As soon as I walked up the two gals shrieked and wanted to take the boys pictures...RIGHT NOW! I explained that they weren't dressed in cute or matching clothes. They didn't care. They stripped them down and did a little photoshoot. They had a super cute pose that I loved, but the boys wouldn't cooperate. They did get a couple cute pics though. The session was free and we got a free 8x10 and 10 birth announcements.
Stopped at Scheels to look at boats. One of Lucy's favorite things to do at the mall. When their are no employees around, Jamie gets a canoe down for her and Grace to play in. This time however, as the girls were running back to the canoes,
Gracie knocked down an oar, which fell into another oar, which fell into another oar, which fell into another oar...see pic.

Emmerts came over for dinner tonight. Just about cancelled because of our horrible weekend. But I knew with Kendall having her baby next week, if we cancelled it would be impossible to reschedule. Glad we didn't. Lucy and Grace had a great time. And we had a great time. The boys were super good until about 15 minutes before the Emmerts left. Lucy and Sophia sang Twinkle Twinkle and the ABC's to the boys. Sammy made up some new dance moves to the rhythm of their cries.